Fritillaria persica is a much sought after species. Originally from Southern Turkey through to Iran. With such a wide spread this is a species varies in color and form a great deal.
Fritillaria persica ‘Ivory Bells’ is a near white form growing to nearly 3ft tall. Purple forms are more common. Individual plants may carry 10-30 flowers.
Fritillaria persica Care
Like nearly all of the genus, this is species that requires a well drained soil and a sunny position. Plant bulbs 6in deep and keep dry when dormant.
Being a tall growing species and with such a wonderful mass display of flowers it is a bulb that can be focal point in the garden when in full flower.
Like most bulbs they look great in clumps. We like 7 – 10 in a group, and unevenly spaced for a more ‘natural’ look.
They grow equally well in the rock garden and in a well drained container in full sun to part shade.