With mahogany coloured bell like flowers, tipped with golden yellow, Fritillaria Uva Vulpis is very attractive free flowering species, easy to grow in the home garden. The best time to plant the bulb is in fall, and the choice of container growing, or growing in the garden will depend on the climate.
Fritillaria Uva Vulpis are originally from Turkey, Iraq and Iran and is one of the easier of the Fritillaria to grow. Also known as the Assyrian Fritillaria, and syn. F. Assyriaca.
Although seen as a little more restrained in flower form and colour than others when in full flower Fritillaria Uva Vulpis does attract a fair amount of interest.
The flowers appear on tall stems, usually solitary, sometimes up to 3, and nodding gracefully. As the bulbs settle in you will find the stems get a little taller. You will also find that the bulbs will have pulled themeselves deeper into the ground.
Long lasting mahogany and gold flowers lined in gold appear in late spring. Growing to 12″ in height. Although not as ‘showy’ as some, and perhaps not as delicate as others they are appealing, and also easy to grow.
Fritillaria uva vulpis Care
In terms of growing conditions, a hot dry summer and a cold winter are the basic requirements.
Again good drainage is the key to growing Fritillaria Uva Vulpis, so we are looking for that combination of humus rich deep soil, but free draining.
This is a bulb that like to be a little deeper than the usual rule. Try around 6 inches (15cm) deep and if needed add some drainage material beneath this, sharp sand or fine grit will do.
If you can plant atop a low wall, you will get a better view of the flowers, or maybe grow them in containers and lift them up when in flower.
Like most bulbs they look great in clumps. We like 7 – 10 in a group, and unevenly spaced for a more ‘natural’ look.
They grow equally well in the rock garden and in a well drained container in full sun to part shade.