Where to buy Garden Bulbs from online catalogs.

You will find buying mail order garden bulbs from specialist online nurseries gives you access to greater variety.
Bulbs are sold during dormancy and are easy to ship. In our A- Z of garden bulbs we have also included in this list, corms and rhizomes, although not true bulbs they are often referred to as such
Planting and growing bulbs in the garden, or indeed in containers is usually very easy. If you know when to plant you are usually on the way. Bulb catalogues from suppliers sometime have some information, we supply detailed planting advice in each bulb variety section, listed below.
Often divided into seasons, of flowering bulbs are some of the most widely used plants in the garden. Most are deciduous and seasonal, many are very hardy and some are difficult.
However the gardeners love affair with bulbous plants has been going on ever since the first adventures and botanists collected bulbs from Africa, the Mediterranean and Asia and took them back to Europe. And of course many bulbs native to America are also included.
So we can go back in time to the early 1500s and bulbs were being collected from all over the world for gardens in Europe. Now we have access to some of the best bulb nurseries in the world right here at home.
A -Z Guide to Mail Order Garden Bulbs
How and when to plant bulbs
This is general planting advice for many common garden bulbs, for specific advice see the growing notes supplied by nurseries or in our detailed garden bulbs sections.
- Plant 2- 4 times as deep as the bulb is high (except for those that need to be surface planted).
- Plant when dormant
- Plant in clumps, they tend to look better
- Choose the right position, sun or shade
- Consider growing in containers
- Naturalise into lawns
- Always select firm large bulbs