If you are looking for a cactus with brilliant flowers then Trichocereus grandiflorus is probably it. Native to Argentina this is a spring to summer flowering succulent with many hybrids now available.
Over time it can grow stems to around 15 to 20 inches, however it is a little slow to achieve these lofty heights.
The original species were mainly a clear red, however with variations soon found hybridisers now have pink and yellow varieties as well.
The flowers are large with 3 inches not being unusual.
Trichocereus grandiflorus care:
Grow in containers for best results and remember to use a free draining specialist cactus soil for best results. In terms if light Trichocereus grandiflorus really does like a bright position, and definitely frost free.

Watering during spring to summer should only be when the soil mix has started to dry out, they do not like wet root systems.
Although these plants like a dry root system they also prefer a cool one. This can be a little difficult in containers, we suggest growing in a plastic or PVC pot that sits inside a ceramic pot, the outer container acting as an insulation system for the roots, keeping them cooler. It also looks better than a plastic container.
For those with drainage problems who want to make their own soil mix, try adding some perlite and gravel, to open up the soil and improve drainage.
Plants can be grown by dividing clumps, or they can be propagated from seeds.
- Lots of hybrids are available, many with very colorful flowers
- Lots of light and good drainage
- Fertilize with a weak solution of low nitrogen fertilizer every 3 weeks during the growing season.
- Hold back on water from late summer or fall to spring
- A dry dormancy is essential
- Commence watering at first signs of active growth in spring
- Cool night temperatures during winter are essential, so if growing indoors move to a position away from heating and leave alone during winter.
- Do not over pot, these plants seem to like a confined root system
- No frosts.