Black Flowers for Your Garden
The search for black flowering plants starts with black roses, however if you want to add a touch of intrigue and mystery, here are a few others to consider.
In reality no flowers are really black, however some are such a deep dark red that they can look black. So here is our list of the best ‘Black Flowering Plants’.
Black Arum Lily

Lots of different dark coloured Arum Lilies including a few with spots.
Black Hollyhock Flower

Hollyhocks are tall growing and come in a range of flower colours, including near black.
Slate Black Hellebore

Shade loving Hellebores come in a range of flower colours, from white to yellow and pink and yes, almost black.
Bearded Iris

Bearded Iris varieties come in many varieties with black falls.

One of the more unusual plants with near black flowers Asarum maximum hides its flowers well down in the foliage.

Salvias are another group with near black flowers, S.discolor is just one.
Black Kangaroo Paw

Inky black fuzzy covering on the flowers make this amazing plant from Western Australia a standout. Difficult to grow and rarely available for sale, one of many interesting Australian Native Plants.
Tulip Queen of the Night

A number of tulips have very deep red foliage and ‘Queen of the Night’ is one.

Like with may plant names that contain the ‘black’ lable, Paphiopedillium ‘Black Spider’ is more of a very deep maroon red.
Black Dahlia

With around 10 Dahlia varieties that are near black, and with different names for most of them, it is well worth looking for The Black Dahlia.