Tree Pruning

Although many trees do not look like they need to be pruned, you will find that with proper pruning care, these long term garden assets will be protected from damage.

Shrubs and hedges benefit from regular trimming to maintain an attractive shape.

Why Prune Trees?

  • Tree pruning may be remedial in the case of damaged trees, preventative, or purely cosmetic.
  • Tree pruning is a part of the maintenance of ornamental trees. Trees need to be trimmed and pruned to keep them in good health and to minimise possible damage.

Tree trimming or tree pruning is carried out in order to:

  • Remove dead and unhealthy limbs
  • Remove dangerous limbs or branches that overhang housing and pools
  • Shape trees
  • Maintain a reasonable size
  • Increase light on garden beds or housing
  • Reduce weight in older trees in order to prolong life of the tree

Tree Pruning Tips

  • Prune spring-flowering trees and shrubs as soon as they finish flowering in spring.
  • Trees and shrubs that bloom during summer and autumn can be pruned in late winter or early spring when they start to push out new growth.
  • Tree Pruning Costs can be minimised with regular small pruning jobs. Larger jobs may require insurance.
  • Always use sharp tools and protective clothing

Pruning Tools

Pruning is done using, hand shears, secateurs, saws and lopping shears.

  • Hand shears, or secateurs, are small sized shears that can be used with one hand to cut small branches, twigs and foliage.
  • Lopping shears or loppers have handles for cutting higher and thicker branches.
  • Thick tree trunks are pruned using electric tree saws or chain saws.

Trimming hedges can be done using hedge trimmers or hand shears depending on the size of the job.

Local Government authorities can provide advice on tree trimming and pruning services in your area.

If pruning in your garden seems a little overwhelming, you can always use qualified contractors to ensure that valuable trees and surrounding assets are not damaged during the tree pruning process.