An easy care plant for shade, Heuchera are easy care, great foliage and flowers in an increasing number of varieties.
Although they are commonly called ‘Coral Bells’, Heuchera cultivars have been developed into a wonderful group of foliage plants. Yes the flowers are still important, however the colorful foliage is the main attraction.
The brilliant foliage of cultivars such as Heuchera ‘Georgia’ Peach’, pictured right add a lift to any area of the garden.
These mound forming perennial perform well in full sun to part shade and are excellent in USDA zones 4 through to 8.
As with many foliage plants, color is actually better in part shade, strong sun seems to fade them out a little
Heuchera Care

Best grown in a woodland situation in dappled shade, Heuchera do appreciate a humus rich moist soil.
When planting consider that they are low growing, so choose a position close to the edge of the border where the color can be appreciated.
Although these are North American native plants they can suffer if planted in the open and are subject to freezes. It is not so much the foliage, but the woody stems that suffer. You can choose a protected position, or simply mulch over winter.
Pruning Heuchera
Varieties such as Heuchera ‘Amethyst Myst’, (pictured above) will rarely reach over 25cm in height, except for the flower spikes.
Pruning is not really required, we read about deadheading to promote a second flush of flowers, however this probably not worth the effort.
Heuchera Propagation
Although you can grow Heuchera from seed, as most are hybrids you will need to divide established clumps if you want them to come true.
Heuchera Division
Dividing older clumps, every 3 – 4 years will not only provide more plants but will also provide new vigour to the plants which tend to become a little congested over time.

Easy in early spring as the frosts are over. Simply dig the clump and divide with a sharp spade of knife. Make sure you take a good root section with each division.
Plant the divisions adding some well rotted compost tp the soil. Water in with a liquid seaweed fertilizer to encouarge root developement.
Heuchera varieties are available for sale from the following nurseries
CLASSY GROUNDCOVERS – fax: 443-773-5627
PO Box 2556 city: Blairsville GA 30514