Category Orchids

Cattleya Orchids

Cattleya Orchids

With very attractive flowers, Cattleya Orchids are originally from Costa Rica and tropical South America. The large and colourful flowers make them a popular for hybridisation and many different named cultivars are available for sale. With over 100 species many…

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Lady Slipper Orchids

When it comes to names ‘Lady Slipper Orchids’ is one that needs a little explanation. If we ask ‘What is a Lady Slipper Orchid’ we can end up with totally different species. The fascinating world of Lady Slipper orchids all…

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Cymbidium elegens

Cymbidium elegans

One of the most beautiful cymbidium species of all is Cymbidium elegans, a species that is originally from Asia (India through to China). The flowers differ to many other cymbidium species, large drooping racemes of lemon yellow bell shaped flowers…

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Terrestrial Orchids

Terrestrial Orchids (ground orchids) are a large and varied group of orchids that grow in the ground. Some terrestrial orchid species are very hardy and can easily be grown in the perennial garden. Although cymbidium orchids are probably the best…

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Cymbidium Orchid Care

Perhaps the most popular orchids for sale Cymbidium Orchids are also one of the easiest to grow. The color range available in hybrid cymbidiums is huge including pure white, pinks, yellow and even green cymbidium orchids (pictured right. Widely used…

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