Category Cactus and Succulents

Euphorbia tirucalli

Euphorbia tirucalli or ‘Firestick plant’ is a leafless succulent that forma a small shrub over time. Species and cultivars include: Euphorbia tirucalli ‘Rosea’ (Euphorbia tirucalli ‘Firesticks’) which is a sun loving drought tolerant euphorbia well suited to growing in rock…

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With attractive foliage year round, Haworthia species provide a great deal of variety in small growing succulents. With fleshy foliage, often patterned with brown or white spots they make excellent container plants. Many species have translucent leaves and these are…

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Rebutia muscula

syn. Aylostera muscula Originally from the southern parts of Bolivia, Rebutia muscula, (Aylostera muscula) with furry snowy white white spines and contrasting bright orange flowers to 2cm is a fascinating plant. In time this is a clump forming species and…

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