Rose Plants or Bushes, Standard Roses and Climbing roses are readily available for sale and can be purchased online by mail order in all states.
When to buy
The best time to buy mail order roses is during the winter months when bushes are dormant. Rose Bushes are dispatched as bare root plants and should be planted immediately on arrival. You can also buy potted roses year round, many gardeners like to start a collection, by looking at the ‘real thing’ and this works well. However for the widest selection of both old and new roses, and often the best price, buying online from specialist nurseries and growers is easy and convenient.

Buying roses
Late winter to spring is an excellent time to start selecting a rose bush for planting, and although you will have your favourites, what other factors do you need to consider.
Look for roses that will suit your climate, some are more disease resistant and drought tolerant than others. The choice is either bare root plants or containerised (potted) roses.
With potted plants check the root system, some may have roots that are beginning to circle the pot, others may have poor root systems, avoid them both. Roots that are circling the container will tend to keep doing that when planted, a poor root system will be the result.
Look for any signs of disease, black spot, mildew aphids and anything else, avoid roses with these problems.
Planting Roses
Amend the soil if required before planting, dig in lots of well rotted compost, and make sure that the soil is well drained.
New rose bushes should be staked to prevent wind damage and maintain an upright growth habit.
Water in well with a liquid seaweed solution to help with strong root growth
When buying rose bushes online
Remember that most plants for sale are usually sent by mail as bare rooted plants. Soil is removed and the roots of the rose bush are wrapped in a moisture retentive material.
Rose Bushes for sale by mail should be unpacked and planted as soon as they arrive.
All plants for sale by mail should be in excellent condition when they arrive if properly packed.
In brief, roses bushes like
- Lots of sun and good air circulation.
- A soil rich in humus, moist but well drained.
- Mulch around roses to retain moisture.
- To be watered in well when establishing, but remember, once established rose bushes are reasonably drought tolerant.
You may also like
- Black Roses
- Best Roses
- Bourbon Roses
- Climbing Roses
- Cut Rose Care
- David Austin Roses
- Floribunda Roses
- Gallica Roses
- Heritage Roses
- Miniature Roses
- Heritage Roses
- Knockout Rose Care
- Multicolour Roses – Real Rainbow Roses
- Rose Diseases
- Rugosa Roses
- Rose Flowers
- Rosa sericea pteracantha
- Top Ten Roses
- Weeping Roses
- White Roses
Roses are available for sale at the following nurseries
STARK Bro’s NURSERIES& ORCHARDS Co. – phone: 1-800-325-4180
PO Box 1800 Louisiana MO 63353
Full line of fruit, Apricots, Berries, Cherries, Nectarines, Pears, Grapes, Nuts, shade and flowering trees, shrubs roses and small fruits.
BURNS MINIATURE ROSES. – phone: 541-733-5871
Riddle Oregon
Mail Order disease resistant Miniature and Miniflora Roses.
BLOOMIN DESIGNS NURSERY- phone: 678-444-8083
558 Auburn Rd Auburn GA 30011
Featuring the ‘Knockout Rose’.
BRUSHWOOD NURSERY – 610-444-8083
PO Box 483 Unionville, PA 19375
limbing Roses Including: Joseph’s Coat Climbing Rose, Zephirine Drouhin Climbing Rose, New Dawn Climbing Rose, Jeanne Lajoie Climbing Rose, Climbing Iceberg Rose, Albertine Climbing Rose, Sombreuil Climbing Rose,
PO Box 357 Hydesville CA 95547 – phone: 707-768-2040 fax: 707-768-2040
Weeks, Austin English, Old Garden Heirloom.
NORTHLAND ROSARIUM – phone: (509) 448-4968
9405 S. Williams Lane Spokane, WA 99224
Climbing Roses, David Austin English Roses, Floribunda Roses, Griffith Buck Roses, Ground cover roses.
9300 Lueckemeyer Rd Brenham Texas TX 778833
Includes: Climbing Iceberg, Ispahan, Peace and many others.
HIGH COUNTRY ROSES (Split Mountain Garden Center) – phone: 435-789-5512
9122 E. U.S. Hwy 40, PO Box 148 Jensen UT 84035
Hardy, own-root roses over 250 varieties
NOR’EAST MINIATURE ROSES – phone: 800-426-6485 fax: 805-481-7025
PO Box 1510 city: Arroyo Grande state: CA 93421-1510
Miniature garden roses year round for the garden or containers. Specially hybridized with hybrid-tea form, vivid colors, and fragrance.